Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away, Don't Come Back Another Day!

Dear Snow,

You are driving me crazy!  You make the roads slippery and make us housebound!  I don't want to see white everywhere when I look outside.  Please feel free to melt away and not come back again.

Tired of Winter Ready for Spring

So, tomorrow will the the third full day of school that the kids have missed this week.  I highly doubt that they will have school on Friday either.  At this rate, they will be in school until June!  

OK, enough about the snow!

On the relocating front....we still haven't gotten the relocation package yet, but are hoping to get the info soon (hopefully by the end of the week)!  I am just so ready to get moving on things...tired of waiting!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sweet Potato Hash w/Adobo and Fried Tomatoes

I totally stepped out of my box tonight by trying this recipe that I found on
The meal was delicious even though it took me forever to prep and cook everything.  It was definitely worth the wait!  My hubby is already talking about me making it again!!  There is enough leftover for him to have it again for will be interesting to see how it is reheated.  The only downside to this culinary up the mess I made in the kitchen!  Guess I better get started!