Friday, February 3, 2012

We're Here!!!

Tonight will be our fourth night in our new home!!  So far, we are loving Wisconsin...the people here are sooo nice and welcoming! :)  The kids seem to be adjusting to their new schools fairly well...especially my seven year old.  I expected some bumps in the road for my middle schooler, but things are getting better each day.  I didn't get as much done today as I would have liked, but it will all be here tomorrow (unfortunately)!  My refrigerator is currently empty aside from some milk and a box of frozen waffles.  I wanted to wait until my new fridge got here before I did a grocery trip, but I don't think I can eat take out that long.  So, I guess we'll check out the local grocery store this weekend (I've heard mixed reviews...I'm hoping it's passable).  My husband has been home all week and will go to the office for the first time on Monday.  I'm sure Monday will be an interesting day for me because it will be the first "normal" day (hubby at work, kids at school, and me all alone with the moving boxes)!  Hope everyone has a nice weekend.  I'll be back soon! :)