I have thought and thought about what I wanted to name this blog for a long time. I think it was harder for me to name this blog than it was to name my own children! I mean how ridiculous is that...it's just a website for crying out loud. I guess that's just my nature..I'm an over-thinker!
The name of my blog comes from my tendency to start projects and never finish them. That's not to say that I never finish projects, but I need look no further than my Documents file on my computer for proof of my unfinished projects. I can come up with great ideas, but the execution of those ideas is where I struggle.
The sense of accomplishment is one that I savor because it means that I was able to see something through to the end. Sometimes that good feeling is short-lived because it is diminished by the sense of failure/defeat that is associated with all those unfinished projects. I know many people say that in order to succeed you must first fail, but that doesn't make failure any easier to accept.
Maybe if I can stick with this blog some of that stick-to-itiveness will carry over into the unfinished files housed on my hard drive.
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